Friday, May 31, 2019
King Lear :: essays research papers
King Lear topic 2, revision.Matt Diggs III"Lear Be your tears wet? Yes faith, I solicit weep non.     If you have poison for me, I will drink it.     I know you do not love me for your sisters      Have (as I do remember) involve me wrong.     You have some cause, they have not.Cordelia No cause, no cause."     In Shakespeares King Lear the character Cordelia is disowned and denied dowry because she is unable to bring herself to flatter her father. This silver dollar is taken as insult by Lear in the spring act of the play, and he renounces the princess in a fit of rage. Yet when his other, more "glib and oily (I.i. 224)" daughters have destroyed him, it is faithful Cordelia who comforts him. While she has the great reason to act against Lear, she claims she has "No cause,(IV,iv,74)" to do so. What is it within Cordelias soul that manifests good in the face of evil? What qualities make her the plays most virtuous character? Because she is not actually present during the majority of the play, it is difficult to obtain an accurate psychological picture of Cordelia. BUT HER WORDS AND ACTIONS, moreover SPARSE, DEFINE CORDELIA AS HONEST, SELFLESS AND COURAGEOUS. It is these qualities that showing Cordelias clear comprehension of the duties implicit in the father-daughter and king-subject bond.     Part of Cordelias moral integrity lies in her bluntness, and while Lears daughter does look tactless in her first appearance, saying,      " worried that I am, I cannot heave     My heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty     According to my bond, no more nor less, (I.i.91-93)" it is this honesty that contrast her to her sisters. In Lear, the long diatribes of acclaim often belong to the most vile of characters, but not so with Cordelia. Her love is b oundless, but not speakable through flattery. Though she makes little run to elucidate her simple words, her bond is substantial, having been "Begot, bred and loved,(I,i,96)" by her father. Cordelia speaks in her explanation of performing her duties as she sees "right fit.(I,i,97)" Acting with such perfect purpose defines the princess as perhaps the only absolutely righteous character in the play. But apart from merely confronting the possibility of losing her fortunes, she accepts her kings decision with silence. She knows the consequences of her actions, nevertheless does not stray from her ethical duties.      Cordelias respect for Lear does not blur her comprehension of his folly.King Lear essays research papers King Lear topic 2, revision.Matt Diggs III"Lear Be your tears wet? Yes faith, I pray weep not.     If you have poison for me, I will drink it.     I know you do not love me for your sisters      Have (as I do remember) done me wrong.     You have some cause, they have not.Cordelia No cause, no cause."     In Shakespeares King Lear the character Cordelia is disowned and denied dowry because she is unable to bring herself to flatter her father. This honesty is taken as insult by Lear in the opening act of the play, and he renounces the princess in a fit of rage. Yet when his other, more "glib and oily (I.i. 224)" daughters have ruined him, it is faithful Cordelia who comforts him. While she has the greatest reason to act against Lear, she claims she has "No cause,(IV,iv,74)" to do so. What is it within Cordelias soul that manifests good in the face of evil? What qualities make her the plays most virtuous character? Because she is not actually present during the majority of the play, it is difficult to obtain an accurate psychological picture of Cordelia. BUT HER WORDS AND ACTIONS, HOW EVER SPARSE, DEFINE CORDELIA AS HONEST, SELFLESS AND COURAGEOUS. It is these qualities that display Cordelias clear comprehension of the duties implicit in the father-daughter and king-subject bond.     Part of Cordelias moral integrity lies in her bluntness, and while Lears daughter does seem tactless in her first appearance, saying,      "Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave     My heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty     According to my bond, no more nor less, (I.i.91-93)" it is this honesty that contrast her to her sisters. In Lear, the long diatribes of compliment often belong to the most vile of characters, but not so with Cordelia. Her love is boundless, but not expressible through flattery. Though she makes little effort to elucidate her simple words, her bond is substantial, having been "Begot, bred and loved,(I,i,96)" by her father. Cordelia speaks in her explanation of perform ing her duties as she sees "right fit.(I,i,97)" Acting with such perfect purpose defines the princess as possibly the only absolutely righteous character in the play. But apart from merely confronting the possibility of losing her fortunes, she accepts her kings decision with silence. She knows the consequences of her actions, yet does not stray from her ethical duties.      Cordelias reverence for Lear does not blur her comprehension of his folly.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Does The Pattern Fit? Essay -- essays research papers
Does the Pattern Fit?It has been said that Shakespeare follows a pattern when writing his tragedies that consists of eleven distinct steps. These steps explain how Shakespeare organized his works from beginning to end. there are, however, slight variations from play to play. The question is, does this pattern fit the tragedy of hamlet? Shakespeares play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark does fits the mentioned pattern.The first step is establishing the enveloping situation and the environs or world in which the action takes place. The atmosphere frequently involves or is accompanied by supernatural occurrences. Within the first couple of lines, it is evident that the written report involves royalty. Long live the King (A I, SI, L3) There is conversation among the guards involving a strange, recent occurrence. They have seen a ghost and are wondering if it will return. The very flash they are discussing it is the very moment that it appears to them again. How now, Horatio ? You tremble and look pale. Is not this something more than fantasy? What think you ont? Before my God, I might not this believe without the sensible and true avouch of mine own eyes. (AI, Si, L64-69) This is where the supernatural occurrence is presented. It is thought by the guards to be the ghost of the newly dead king, Hamlets father.The next step, which is the establishment of the political realm, comes directly after. Focusing on the main characters that will have an important part in t...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Human cloning: what are the ethics, applications and potential undesira
Mankind has always tried to extend his knowledge about the properties of every living thing it is an integral sectionalisation of humankinde nature. What is besides important about it is that there is constant disagreement in new views between scientists and society. One such problem is the question of human re-create. Firstly, the term cloning must be defined Cloning is the production of an exact genetic duplicate of a living organism or electric cell (Baird 2002, 20). This procedure not only led to producing a sheep, Dolly, but it can also have other very useful applications. Using different methods of cloning is expected to change radically the process of organ transplantation and it is a way of finding appropriate treatments of diseases. As a result of this sick pile can be cured and other cases might be prevented. Despite these apparently positive applications, there are some very weighty arguments against human cloning, the main one being that the idea of cloning runs co unter to religion and centuries-old principles. The aim of this paper is to consider the ethics of human cloning and analyse its applications and dominance drawbacks.Main bodyThere is one very important aspect about cloning in general there are two staple fibre methods of cloning reproductive and therapeutic. Not everyone is acquainted with this information, so when the word cloning is used, it evokes the concept of reproductive cloning, armies of obedient replicants, which may appear risible, but 22% of respondents in ... Time/CNN poll gave this fear as their reason for opposing reproductive cloning (Levy and Lotz 2005, 234). The following will describe the procedure of reproductive cloning, the reasons for rejecting it and arguments for this method. The aim of reprod... ...ificially conceived. It also has not been proven so far that he would have another constitution or different from usual peoples necessities of life. As it was create verbally above, cloning could be helpful for infertile couples that want to have genetically close children to them. Nevertheless, opponents think that genetics is not compulsory in this situation and it is viable to love adopted children as well as own, so long as the role of mutual understanding is more important than genes. At the aforesaid(prenominal) time everyone has a right to marry and to have children, so why it is immoral to have a cloned offspring, if it would make parents happier and possibly will improve demographics in some countries. To sum up the theme of reproductive cloning is complicated and there is no single point of view in all categories, however, tidings of therapeutic cloning is no less complex.
Athenagoras Essay -- Christian Apologist Biography Bio
ATHENAGORASAthenagoras was a Christian apologist who flourished in the second half of the second century CE. Two extant works, the Plea on Behalf of Christians and On the Resurrection of the Dead, take in traditionally been attributed to him.HIS LIFEAthenagoras does not appear in the ecclesiastical histories of either Eusebius, Socrates, or Sozomen. Methodius (d. 311 CE) is the unaccompanied ante-Nicene writer to mention Athenagoras Methodius From the Discourse on the Resurrection 1.7 refers to Athenagoras Plea 24. The only other early witness to Athenagoras is Philip of Side, a deacon of Chrysostom, who lived during the fifth century. According to a fourteenth century codex, Philip wrote, Athenagoras was the first to mentality the school in Alexandria. He flourished at the time of Hadrian and Antoninus, to both of whom he addressed his Plea on Behalf of Christians. He became a Christian while he wore the philosophers cloak and was at the head of the Academy. Even before Celsus he was anxious to write against the Christians. ... (Migne PG vi.182 English translation in Schoedel ix).These meager references comprise our entire biographical knowledge of Athenagoras, apart from the natural found in his extant writings. The Arethas Codex (914 CE) and three other manuscripts contain the same introductory ascription A plea for Christians by Athenagoras the Athenian philosopher and Christian. To the emperors Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, conquerors of Armenia and Sarmatia, and more(prenominal) than all, philosophers. Philip mentions that Athenagoras flourished during the time of Hadrian and Antoninus, but the Arethas introduction places him in the reigns of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus. Ph... ...e Fathers, vol. 2. Grand Rapids Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1954.Rauch, James L. Greek Logic and Philosophy and the Problem of Authorship in Athenagoras. Ph.D diss., University of Chicago, 1961.Ruprecht, Louis A., Jr. Athenagoras th e Christian, Pausanius the Travel Guide, and a Mysterious Corinthian Girl. Harvard Theological Review 85 (1992) 35-49.Schoedel, William R. Athenagoras Legatio and De Resurrectione. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1972.Schwartz, Eduard. Athenagorae Libellus pro Christianis, Oratio de Resurrectione cadaverum. Leipzig J. C. Hinrichs, 1891.Vermander, Jeane-Marie. Celse et lattribution a Athnagore dun ouvrage sur la rsurrection des morts. Melanges de Science Religieuse 35 (1978) 125-134.Zeegers-Vander Vorst, Nicole. La paternit athnagorienne du De rsurrection. Revue dHistoire Ecclsiastique 87 (1992) 334-374.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Narrowing the Defining Boundaries of Magical Realism :: Latin American Literature Essays
Narrowing the Defining Boundaries of Magical RealismLatin American author Elena Garro wrote works such as Recuerdos del porvenir, Andamos huyendo Lola, Testimonios sobre Mariana, and The Day We Were Dogs. The short floor The Day We Were Dogs (1964) uses events that are questionable to the reader even though the characters do not question. Because these events are questioned by the reader, it is not a Magical Realist story. This story might have been miss identified because it was written by a Latin author.In The Day We Were Dogs, the author uses magical elements to armed service tell the story two sisters and there day as dogs?. These elements seem to be magical by means of Magical Realist techniques, but becuase the author dosent sacrifice it clear as to whether these two sisters are dogs or if they are pretending to be dogs the reader hestitates. After reading the following passage, the reader might intermit that the two girls are pretendingEva got up and disapeared among the plants. She returned running and threw herself down next to Toni.I told them to cook for three dogs and no people.I didnt ask anything. Next to Toni the can had lost its wieght. Two ants were walking on the ground of the day an earthworm peeked out of a hole, I touched it with my fingertip and it became a red ring. There were bits of leaves, niggling pieces of branches, tiny pebbles, and the black earth smelled of magnolia water. The other day was off to one side. Toni, Eva, and I watched without fear its gigantic towers and stationary winds, purple and mulberry colored.You, what is your name deprivation to be? Look for your dog name, Im looking for mine. Im a dog? Yes we are dogs. (208)Then readers read this following passage and questions the decision they had made by reading the former passageThe dogs got to the gate it was hard for them to open the door the bolts were very high. (209)By making the reader hesitate (Todorov) about whether this is supernatural or real, this stor y could be placed into the Fantastic genre, but we cant put it into this genre because it also has an element of the Sublime in it.The Magical Realist technique that the author uses is the closeness or near merging (Faris) two different days. This becomes apparent when the narrator states that it was a day with two days in it (206).
Narrowing the Defining Boundaries of Magical Realism :: Latin American Literature Essays
Narrowing the Defining Boundaries of Magical RealismLatin American creator Elena Garro wrote whole caboodle such as Recuerdos del porvenir, Andamos huyendo Lola, Testimonios sobre Mariana, and The Day We Were Dogs. The short story The Day We Were Dogs (1964) uses events that are questionable to the reader even though the characters do not question. Because these events are questioned by the reader, it is not a Magical Realist story. This story might have been miss identified because it was written by a Latin indite.In The Day We Were Dogs, the author uses magical elements to help tell the story two sisters and there day as dogs?. These elements seem to be magical by means of Magical Realist techniques, tho becuase the author dosent make it clear as to whether these two sisters are dogs or if they are pretending to be dogs the reader hestitates. After reading the following passage, the reader might conclude that the two girls are pretendingEva got up and disapea vehement among th e plants. She returned running and threw herself down next to Toni.I told them to cook for three dogs and no people.I didnt lease anything. Next to Toni the house had lost its wieght. Two ants were walking on the ground of the day an earthworm peeked out of a hole, I touched it with my fingertip and it became a red ring. There were bits of leaves, little pieces of branches, tiny pebbles, and the black earth smelled of magnolia water. The other day was off to one side. Toni, Eva, and I watched without fear its gigantic towers and stationary winds, purple and mulberry colored.You, what is your name going to be? Look for your dog name, Im looking for mine. Im a dog? Yes we are dogs. (208)Then readers read this following passage and questions the decision they had make by reading the former passageThe dogs got to the gate it was hard for them to open the door the bolts were very high. (209)By making the reader hesitate (Todorov) about whether this is unearthly or real, this story coul d be placed into the Fantastic genre, but we cant put it into this genre because it also has an element of the Sublime in it.The Magical Realist technique that the author uses is the closeness or near merging (Faris) two different days. This becomes apparent when the narrator states that it was a day with two days in it (206).
Monday, May 27, 2019
Kewauna And Marita Comparison Essay Essay
Ambitious Bargains perplex you ever wanted to prove somebody or even yourself that you could do better? Have you ever wanted to prove that you were better than what you were or where you came from? Thats what two girls named Kewauna and Marita wanted to do. Kewauna wanted to better her life with the OneGoal program, she took full advantage of her procreation by getting to know her professors and making them remember her, and anything she struggled with she made sure to study and pay extra attention to.Marita alike wanted to take advantage of her education instead of telling her mom that she couldnt handle the KIPP Academy she toughed through it, even with a 10 hour school day she will go home and study more leaving her with no social life at all, she also goes to school on Saturdays and goes to school during the summer so she finish go onto high school. Kewauna and Marita be similar because they are two very ambitious, they both went to flourishing preparatory schools, and they both come from profligate backgrounds.Kewauna and Marita are both ambitious because they give up a part of their lives in order to break the stereotype that children from poverty and bad situations can be just as successful as rich kids already given that opportunity. One example of Kewauna being ambitious is when she said No liaison how overwhelming it is, no matter how exhausting it is, Im not going to give up. Another example of the two being ambitious is when Marita was telling the interviewer about her schedule kindred it was something a normal kid would have and she had a completely calm demeanor about the whole thing. Another example for Marita is when she is doing her homework as briefly as she gets home from school she goes straight to her homework and doesnt really want to take a break from it, not even to eat.Another similarity you can make between Marita and Kewauna is that they both went to strict prep schools. Kewauna went to a preparatory school by the name OneG oal, it was dedicated to turning extremely seek students intocollege ready scholars. Of the 128 students, including Kewauna, who started OneGoal as juniors at six Chicago high schools in the fall of 2009, ninety-six were enrolled in four-year colleges as of March 2012. This proves that OneGoal is a fairly successful prep school. Marita went to a school called KIPP Academy where richer kids automatically had the upper hand because of the step of money and lifestyle they were born into. The school was known for its ascendancy in math, and that may have caused Marita to major in Accounting now that she is in college.The final comparison you can make between the two is that they both came from troubled backgrounds, poor families, and bad neighborhoods with little to no opportunities before KIPP and OneGoal. Kewauna had a very troubling childhood until OneGoal, she was arrested at 15 for punching a police officer and she was also homeless for a time in her life. She decided to change h er life for the better and start doing better in school after a family interference about her behavior. There is the only slight difference between Kewauna and Marita, Marita was not a problematic child like Kawauna she just is one of the unfortunate nation born in a not-so-nice neighborhood which lessened her chances of being successful significantly. Luckily, for both of Marita and Kewauna they have beaten that stereotype to pieces and they both enrolled in higher education.In conclusion, Marita and Kewauna can practically be twins. But in all seriousness, the two are strikingly similar in the way they have come up from practically nothing. They both went through some sort of program to help prepare them for their bright and shining future (KIPP and OneGoal). The two came up from the bottom and are on their way to the top of the top. Marita and Kewauna are role models for young girls in poverty and troubled homes that are constantly being reminded that they will never amount to anything. They tell them that if you are ambitious like me and you have plenty of work ethic you can get anywhere, you can do anything, you are unstoppable.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Indiaââ¬â¢s First Five Year Plan Essay
At the time of Indias first Five Year Plan, the government focused primarily on the culture sector. A large part of capital and technology was devoted to increasing agricultural production. This was effective at the time and is now referred to as the thou revolution. The success of this plan convinced the Indian Planning Commission to shift their schema. The NM strategy drew inspiration from the USSR and suddenly focused on quick industrialisation in the second Five Year Plan rather than the agricultural sector as they had done in the previous plan.The NM strategy focused on industrialisation, mostly on the idea that manufacturing industries enjoy economies of scale, while agricultural production would face secularly diminishing returns. The productivity of labour could also be additiond in capital intensive manufacturing industries while the surplus gained per labourer from agricultural production would be lower. Therefore, the available quotient for re-investment and the resul tant branch would be higher(prenominal) from basic and heavy capital industries.Major developed capitalist countries like Japan, the U.S.A and the U.K took an alternate path to industrialisation called the demand-pull process. This involves starting with establishing consumer good industries, intermediate good industries and flatboat engineering industries to supply simple materials and equipment to the consumer good industries. Agricultural development would lead to the growth of consumption good industries that supply basic consumption needs much(prenominal) as food and clothing and this in turn would lead to growth in agriculture.Under this system, even small increases in capital invested in agriculture would increase output and employment as opposed to the large amount of investment required for setting up heavy capital industries. This increase in agricultural growth would enhance the demand for consumer goods and gradually, basic and heavy capital industries would emerge. T his path ensures a self-financing system without inflationarypressures, as profits generated in the consumer goods industries would be re-invested in infrastructural industries. This could have been highly advantageous.The booming population in India, i.e. the growing labour force in the country was non accounted for due to the nature of capital-intensive industries. The growth of the basic and heavy capital goods industries did not increase the supply of essential consumption goods for an increasingly poverty ridden population. The large investment in infrastructural industries led to an increase in monetary demand and the slow growth in the supply of consumption goods could not match it. This led to growing inflationary pressures. In browse to control the flow of private investment, policy makers implemented a system of licenses to ration industrial capacity between the existing firms. Therefore, private investment was not profitable and thus, efficiency, product innovations, te chnological advancements and competitive pricing were foregone.It potentiometer be seen that the fundamental problems of poverty and unemployment faced by India were not addressed by the N-M strategy. The nonperformance of agriculture can be seen from the allocation of the total outlay that was given to this sector in the Five Year Plans that followed the first one. Only large irrigation projects were financed and consequently the vast majority of small, marginal and subsistence farmers were neglected.The protection that these industries were given from foreign competition made India a high cost and technologically stagnant economy. In conclusion, it can be seen that only 25% of the plan expenditure was directed towards the rural economy which comprised 70% of the labour force of the country. Government employees and white and blue gather up employees of public and private large-scale industries were the only people who benefited from the strategy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Bacteria: Good or Bad?
In the world, some pot see bacteria as something that is pestiferous and that causes nothing only when illness and infections. Bacteria can actually be helpful as well. It can provide vitamins to your body, help digestion, destroy unspeakable organisms, help make medicines and excessively help out with the environment. In this research paper, it will describe two bacteria that are helpful and sometimes harmful to humans and the environment, which are E. coli and Lactobacillus Acidophilus. E. coli E. coli is the bacteria that live in the intestines of humans and animals. It and other bacteria help develop the body and keep your intestines healthy.It also provides vitamins to the body. But, E. coli can also cause food poisoning and infection of other parts of the body. It can cause kidney failure, anemia and urinary pathway infections. It can get into food and wet and cause us to become ill. It can also be passed from contact with another person if they havent washed their hands . E. coli may keep people healthy, but it only works that way if they know how to maintain good health and stay clean. Lactobacillus Acidophilus Lactobacillus Acidophilus is the bacteria found in dairy products, intestinal tract and the mouth.It helps digestion and protects the intestines from the harmful bacteria. It breaks down the bad bacteria and destroys them from becoming a hazard to the environment. Acidophilus also stops diarrhea and constipation and also protects women from yeast infection. In conclusion, on that point are many bacteria that can be both harmful and helpful, other than the two bacteria that was previously discussed. Bacteria can cause sickness, but it can also cure it. It can help you to become healthy, but it can also make the body and environment deteriorate. Bacteria are take to survive and people cant live without it.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Computers Science Essay
Living just for existence has never been the objectives of my life.I have endlessly looked forward to get the best out of my life. As a student of Bachelor of applied science in E.I.E(Electronics&Instrumentation technology), I look to graduate debate to widen my ken, which would facilitate in fulfilling my ambition of doing lords program in Computer Science Engineering. Technology and its myriad aspects fascinate me Specifically the Computers teem that pervades all areas of business in todays world.I have been interested in problem solving from a very young age, peculiarly problems related to mathematics. Now that I have completed my bachelors degree, and working as a scheduling developer in Cloud computing Technology for 13 months,has made me to so fascinated for technology and moved my steps towards learning software languages.i whole step pursuing masters in Computers would give me an bulky scope in fullfilling my dreams as a good developer and have a research project in cloud computing.Deep in my heart, I feel this inordinate urge to do whatever possible within my reach for the less fortunate would take me forward in achieving my goals. Integrity, both in imagination and action has meant everything to me. My strong set of value has helped me grow into a responsible citizen with a keen sense of duty. It has also furthered my thirst for newer horizon. This course is one of them. Its a pathway to newer grounds, pivotal to both my professional and personal agenda.My objective for a masters degree is to get involved in such a course which could help me in achieving my ultimate goal. I believe that a career in such a field of study in an intellectually stimulating academic environment will offer me an excellent way to contribute my bit to the life long process of development and dissemination of cognition. I am fully aware of the kind of dedication and hard work needed, and I am confident of meeting the challenges. Interactions with your theoretical & technical expertise of the module and the environment in the University will add to my vision. Understanding this quest needs considerable persistence & an infinite capacity to learn. And if at all I deal assure you of anything, it is my desire to learn, evinced by the fact, that I have always tried learning, whenever an opportunity presented itself at all points of my lifeWhy Computers Science? I was thoroughly fascinated by the Computers and technology from my teenage days I always thought that computers was my career option as I was greatly influenced by my blood brother who is a successful person in this field .But for my undergraduate course I opted for the electronics and instrumentation due to the recession at that time because of which the future in computers was unclear. It was easy for me to go for electronics as it has been my subject of interest next to computers.I was introduced to the subjects C, Computer Organisation,Micro Processor& Micro Apllications, Java .Espe cially java in my 4th form of Btech and I started liking the subject instantly because during whole of my life I was amused with the OOPS concepts and its real time implementation in many domains,mobile applications. I paying attention to join the bandwagon in this field of study and would like to contribute something to it. It was only during my under graduate course that I discovered this to be an apt field of study that suited me and my passion for it grew much stronger and I felt reaching distances in this field is my destiny. so ,I have made ground myself and got successfully primed(p) in multinational company(TCS).This is the place where i found myself and started developing penchant for programming and decided it as my career for future.As,I had my training in java and subsequently my first project was on Cloud Computing technology,Salesforce( CRM tool) as a developer which has OOPS concepts with apex language as its programming core.My project was on insurance domain.I real felt that this is good opportunity to learn things and grabbed every opportunity to learn the concepts. As it was enterperneur tool , i had a good scope for analysing requirements and work thence to complete goals assigned to me on time . I had also pursued DEV 401 certification in Salesforce.This 13 months of job experience has made me to decide that programming would be my passion and decided have concrete skills in programming and decided to pursue masters in computer science.A thorough shop through the web pages of your university helped me discover that your university is an ensemble of excellent faculty and innovative research facilities. An environment replete with extensive academic activity and a Masters program at the cutting edge of every other sub-field further enticed me and motivated me to choose your university. I strongly feel that Masters in Computer Science Engineering Program from your University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice.A premier seat of knowledge and information derived from the cream of intelligentsia coupled with excellent infrastructure is where I would get ample oppurtunities to apply knowledge and excel my programming skills to be a technical gem.I write to you with the earnest that my background and qualifications will be found suitable for admission to this prestigious program,Masters in Computer Science Engineering from your University. An assistantship besides providing financial support would give me an invaluable research/ teaching experience. I am keen to be a part of the student familiarity at your esteemed university with suitable financial assistance. I am very much obliged to you for providing me with this opportunity to express myself.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
When people think of waves they may think of a nice vacation or maybe a storm. Most people may not think about what causes waves or how waves fanny get so tall and powerful. In addition, people may not think about how courses be formed. The movement of waves includes information about how waves form, how they move, what happens when waves interact, and some of the effects of waves. When people visit a beach, they might realize the daily rise and fall of the water, or how gritty and low tides can get. Tides be caused by the moon, sun, and the earth and are almost never are the same size or duration.A tide can disseminate out to be much bigger than what it was previseed to be (Simon 1990). The easiest tidal sequence is the semidiurnal tide. A semidiurnal tide has two high tides and two low tides of about check height each day. Semidiurnal tides may urinate a daily inequity where successive hide tides have different heights. Semidiurnal tides are often easy to predict because h igh or low tides occur a consistent length of time after the moon has passed overhead. Both the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans generally have some semidiurnal tides with two other tides each day.Spring tides normally occur when there is a full moon and the sun and the earth are in a straight line. When this happens, tides are never the same size or last the same numerate of time as the people may expect. There is withal neap tides and they occur when the moon is in the first or last quarter, when its gravitational pull on the oceans is at a right angle to the sun. When this happens the tide will not be the same size or last the same amount of time either. (Hawkins 2005). Therefore, the pull of the moon causes tides and these tides produce waves.Waves are the out front movement of the oceans water due to the oscillation of water particles by frictional drag. Waves can in any case vary in size and strength based on wind speed (B. Amanda). When people are considering waves, it is important to know that while it appears that the water is moving forward, only a small amount of water is actually moving. Instead, it is the waves postcode that is moving. When the waves get too tall, relative to the waters deepness, the waves stability is weakened and the inbuilt wave falls onto the beach, forming a breaker.Breakers come in all different types. The type of a breaker is determined by the slope of the shoreline. Falling breakers are caused by a steep slope. Spilling breakers occur when the shoreline has a gentle or gradual slope. Crests of waves are formed by a flip or the forward push of the wave. Which could lead to the development of breakers. Sometimes, huge waves are created by under sea earthquakes or the pointy motions in the sea tier. These huge waves are called tsunamis or tidal waves. They can make really big messes and can kill a lot of people (B, Amanda).Waves are put into categories and named according to how they are formed and how they appear. Wav es that are looped as they reach the shoreline are called ocean currents. These currents are generated in the surf zone when the front end of the wave pushes to the shore and then slows down. Wind in like manner causes waves and these are called surface waves. Regular patterns of smooth, rounded waves in the open are called swells. Swells means that they are mature undulations of water in wave energy that has remaining the wave generating region (B,Amanda).When waves meet and interact they form what is called an interference. The interference occurs when the crest and trough are between two waves that are align and then they combine. The follow through of an interference makes a dramatic increase in wave height. When water molecules get the energy they move forward,and all of the waves are forced closer in concert because they are now moving a lot slower because of the wind speed. The movement of wind speed over the oceans generates corresponding movements in the water. When the seafloor catchs shallow the waves become flattened(B,Amanda).An underwater earthquake can trigger a tsunami that creates a long, fault rupture that can get up to or over 800 miles long(B,Amanda). In declination 2004, an underwater earthquake was triggered a string of tsunamis along the Indian Ocean with overwhelming effects. Scientists have found a break in the sea floor faults which are causing the earthquakes, tsunamis, and waves to be extremely dangerous. (B,Amanda) Since waves are so powerful they have a big impact on the shape of the worlds coastlines. Generally, they straighten coastlines.Sometimes headlands composed old rocks are very resistant to erosion just into the ocean and force waves to bend around them. When this happens, the waves energy is spread out over multiple areas and different sections of the coastline which receive different amounts of energy and are then shaped differently by waves(B,Amanda). Waves can also cancel out each other through when crest meets a tough or vise versa. The movement of sand, gravel, and concrete with the long shore rank is know as deposition. Coastal landforms caused by deposition include barrier spits, bay barriers, lagoon, tombolos and even beaches themselves.Coastal features found today include cliffs, wave cut platforms, sea caves, and arches. These types of features make it clear that ocean waves have a tremendous impact on today shoreline. Erosion also creates many a(prenominal) of the coastal features found today. It can also act in taking away sand and sediment from beaches especially on those that have heavy wave action. Erosion also creates many of the coastal waves today(Amanda B). Erosion is a broadly defined group of processes involving the movement of soil and rock. This movement is often the result of flowing agents, whether wind, water, or ice.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Triumph Launching Event
Exe extirpationive Summary3 Introduction4 customer Profile6 Demographic6 Behavioural6 Environmental s passel7 tog step forward Analysis7 PEST Analysis9 Store observations10 In- computer storage10 Shoppers Behavior11 Online surf12 Ideas / Amendments for functional and creative online work12 denounce Aw arness Survey14 Motorcycle crop14 habiliments and accessories17 Conclusion and Recommendations21 Range evaluation21 gratification dealers prevail21 Executive Summary Firstly, we shall present a little information about the company. The company was reconstruct as a bicycle manufacturing company by Siegfried Bettmann in Coventry in 1887.In 1967, the production of the drivebike peaked at 47,000 units in this year. Unfortunately the business organization went into liquidation because lack of government backing. But in that year, John Bloor, a businessman who is the current takeer of the company, bought the land where the factory located and therefore give way the rights to t he trace of merriment and assembles a team to develop a new direct. In 2008, the company could break the record of its peak production. They were equal to(p) to produced much than 50,000 units in this year. win now has five factories and all atomic do 18 100 percent owned by the company.Two of these factories argon based in Hickley, UK and the opposite three factories be in Chonburi, Thailand. The clothing and accessories are made in China. For victory bike, there are six jog which can be classifies as the pursuit Supersport, Adventure, Touring, Classics, squad cars and Roadsters. The climb on ranges for each range are different from each other. The younger target market is to a greater extent attracted to the Supersport, adventure and roadster range whereas touring and cruisers range attracts more of 45-60 age old. The range that is the most popular and has the biggest volume sold is the classic.Whereas the roadsters range has the most competitors. There are 54 dealerships in United Kingdom and Ireland. Sixteen of these are multi- franchise dealers and 38 are solus dealers. All of these dealerships are franchised. All dealers must follow instigant standard such as colour the retention sober with wooden floor. Fifty percent of the salt aways lead squander PCA specialist. There are 16 subsidiary markets and 36 countries nationwide. Introduction The aim of this project is to propose an effectual launching even outt of Triumph clothing range to dealers around UK using the range evaluation that we have researched.Having an effective launching event can servicing the company to maximize and maintain relationships with the dealers in order to secure orders. This project in equivalent manner hoping to improve with the order management process which can reduce greet and time benefits both the company and dealers. We have been given the opportunity to evaluate and improve the sell at the launching event for the Autumn/Winter 2011 Triumph clothing gathering. Triumph is a wheel company whom also sell bikers clothing and accessories range. Their objective is to promote and be more emphasize with this range where they see potential opportunity.This project aims to gain knowledge about how to expand Triumphs clothing collection to non-biker customers. We are appointed to evaluate and suggests a new lunching event(s) to dealers around UK. The problem that they are having now is that their clothing and accessories range are only cognize among bikers. It is our mission to come up with system to maximize their profit by expanding their customer base. We are here to find of ways that can attract those who are non-bikers. For clothing and accessories, they will launch collections double a year, which consists of Spring/ summer collection and Autumn/Winter collection. The collection is made up of core and seasonal items. Core items are the items regarding to the season and the dealers can reorder any time because the stoc k is at Headquarter. For seasonal items, they focus on the climate during that particular time of the year and only available via transport order. Forward orders are crucial for both dealers and Triumph. This is the way dealers can secure products for the season and allows Triumph to understand the market and best seller.For the Autumn/Winter 2011 collection that we are appointed, Triumph has coordinate together with Barbour. Barbour is a UK owned clothing store broadening out from its countrywear roots. Todays the company produces clothing that is designed for a entire country lifestyle. The collection is to be launch during February and March 2011. The launching event usually taken set up at the factory where dealers visit the pop up store for viewing the new collection and this is to be joined by appointment only. Information, product demonstration and order making are taken place on the event day.Sometimes the person visiting the event may not have the authority to make the p urchase, therefore the company is given them a 3 week launching event so that decisions can be made within this 3 weeks. During this 3 weeks, larger dealers have their various(prenominal) bringing of 1-3 staffs whereas 2-4 base dealers are grouped together. The main goal of this collection is to start expanding the market to those who are non-bikers. But the problem creation that they have not been considering about putt their products into any other department stores because they want to give priority to their existing dealers for stocking Triumph products.There is no budget limit for the launching event and sounded kindred the preliminary events made at the factory has been quite low. Their main competitor is BMW (for ride department). If there were any stock left at the end of the season, participated dealers will suffer extra to get their names printed on the sale adverts, which is usually published in the motor publishing. Customer Profile Demographic Supersport Customer is male, in the middle 20s, single, and lives in the city. Adventure Customer is male, in the 30s, married, lives in an up photographic plate neighborhood.Touring Customer is male/ female, in the 30s, married, moves around a lot with no permanent resident. Cruiser Customer is male, 50-60 years old, married, living in rural area. Classic Customer is male/female, in the 50s, married, and does not live in big cities. Roadster Customer is male, 25-40 years old, single, and lives in the big cities. Behavioural Supersport People who like racing, and look for a motor technically out stand with proud judicial admission. Adventure People who like adventure, and look for versatile motor accompanying them in different environment.Touring People who like sport and travel, they look for a powerful motor having grater practicality in touring or sports touring. Cruiser People who like cruisers look and embrace attitude of the hotted up motorcycles of the60s. Classic People who like vintage style and look for a motor presenting modern-day interpretation of a timeless classic. Roadster People who take speed and agility seriously and look for a middleweight streetfighter. Environmental scan SWOT Analysis Triumph was formed as a bicycle manufacturing company by Siegfried Bettmann in Coventry in 1887.The first motorcycle was built in 1902. Triumph now has five factories around the world. They have 750 dealers in 35 countries and 54 of them are in UK. The clothing range started in 1994 with collaboration with open Thomas. Strengths * Branding A United Kingdoms tell on born in 1887. The brand is not only wholesome known in the UK exclusively throughout the world. * Worldwide presences Triumph truly has an international presence with factories in UK and Thailand for the motorcycle sector and for clothing sector in China. Also there are 750 dealers around the world.Countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, G ermany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, USA and Venezuela. * Collaboration The company successfully collaborates with the well known British clothing brand Barbour for their 2011 Spring and Summer clothing collection. This is an opportunity for Triumph to extend their brand awareness to non-bikers sector. * Customization There is an option create my Triumph on the website where you can build your very own Triumph motorcycle.Weaknesses * Undifferentiated products/service Unlike their rival, BMW, they dont only make motorcycles, they produce cars as well. This is why BMW is a much better known company because their target market is relatively larger. * Because Triumph refuses to expand their stores into a more commercial environment such as a department store, the quotidianty of attracting larger non-biker audience is lower. * The company is lacking marketing expertise. This w eakened the brand to expand to its potential customers. Opportunities * The virtual world is becoming an essential part of our lives, network is a powerful tool.Having a Triumph site where customers can order online is beneficial. * Joint venture with Barbour will give opportunity to Triumph for expanding the brand name and brand awareness. * Moving into a new market segment with the clothing collection will generates more interests in the brand itself and also generates more profit. Threats * The chronic Global recession The economic decline result in the demand of consumers. Especially with the increase in oil price, a motorcycle is considered as a want not need. * Intense arguing There are many competitors in this market.Many of the competitors offer marketing incentives and reduce in product price. This pull through will have a negative effect on Triumph determine and market share. * Global warming The issue of global warming will effect in Triumph motorcycle gross revenu e. People are becoming more conscious of fuel consumption. PEST Analysis Political The government has deter bike usage by increasing taxes for all bike riders. Since 2009, there has been an increase in Bike Road Tax as well as Bike Parking Tax. Vehicle Excise Duty for Motorcycles has increased for the 2009-2010 period.With the increase in oil prices, it has arrest far more costly to ride a motorbike today. Even so, traffic congestion and overcrowded public transport favors motorcycle use as a means of commuting. Economic Inflation rates in the UK are increasing as well as the exchange rate, while the interest rate remains low. Due to this situation, the production of motorcycles depend more on imports and labor cost have increased as a result. At the same time the increase in global trade has created severe competition in the industry due to the emerging foreign markets.However it is easier to escape this recession on a two-wheeler rather than a car. Social More people in the UK now own motorbikes despite the increases in cost. It is more socially acceptable to own a bike, and there are a lot more female motorcycle owners. A lot of older individuals who used to ride bikes when they were young are now starting to purchase bikes once again (returner bikers). The number of motorcycle use has increased over the years as opposed to cars, as they serve as a status symbol and are more arguent and practical in traffic.Technological Technological advances have added many safety features to motorbikes to make riders more comfortable. The demand of motorcycles has led to the emergence of larger capacity locomotives (around 500cc). These changes make motorbikes more attractive as a means of transport as well as a leisure activity. Store observations In-store compass north city Triumph North city Triumph opened this brand new store just a month ago and the shop at outlook really inspires customers, even though you are not rider. Big Triumph flags outside and a fres h, clean environment welcomes you inside.The store is located in a busy suburban area, half(a) an hour from London city, in a good marketplace if you are coming by car or by bike. The store is a Triumph Solus dealer and they have a PCA Specialist who is in charge of clothing and accessory parts. The Triumph brand is very well presented in the North city store Wooden floors, bright and high spaces display their bike range and latest clothing collection range in a stunning way. The shop offers personal assistants for customers and all staff is most helpful and willing to serve clients to meet all their needs.The Triumph collection is still very monotonous and wickedness leather jackets and trousers make everything look like same. Unfortunately no product really stands out and even labels such as new model failed to make you more interested to buy. North city Triumphs ideal customer is a man in his mid 40s, who buys products mainly for his needs rather than his wants. Metropolis Vaux hall Metropolis Vauxhall is located south of London city center, close to all transport connections. The shop is a Triumph multi- franchise dealer, so it also offers its competitors products.Here Triumphs image as a brand is less highlighted and the collection range is narrower. The store visit is less inspiring than at the Solus store and Triumphs products get lost among competing brands. Yet, a broad supply of competing products and brands attract a larger number of customers and this generates increased impulse sales for the more generic Triumph products, such as their leisure clothing line. The Triumph collection range remains vague and hold in space availability makes displaying products, and brand imaging, challenging.Metropolis Vauxhall Triumph? s ideal customer is a man aged between 35 and 55 and they also might pop in store just for clothing, not just because of biking. Shoppers Characteristics Triumph clothes ideal customer is a man between 35 and 55 The ideal, and also potential customers, are males returning to their youth they like to wear something classical, stylish and keep their individual style rather then run by and by the latest trends They like to shop in store They shop mainly for needs more than wants Triumphs customers respect personal assistants and prefer visiting the same local store Customer respects practical clothes and a personal look Triumphs brand is an important factor for customer ( SWOT,PETS, Dealers feedback) Online shop Online shop has exploded during last decade and today it is normal to do a virtual shopping trip that satisfies the customers needs. This year e- retail sales are on course to a record 16% growth in the UK and as retailers start offering more and more e-services online shops will become faster and more functional.Also, using IMRG ( Interactive media in retail group) research report, clothing is one of the fastest growing online shopping sectors. Online shopping advantages are remarkable. dismay co sts (expenses) to retailers and customers, user friendliness, fast delivery and independence of shopping hours are factors that every company should take advantage of as much as possible. though Triumphs image is built on customer service, this would be a further advantage that increases their competitiveness. Also, as no other competitor has a truly outstanding online store, small quality improvements could result in a decent increase of customers.Triumph world website and dealers websites are overall very professional compared to other motorcycle brands, but dealers own online clothing shops /services differ largely in their visual outlook, ranges and operating systems in general. Outstanding and interesting dealers stand out straight away. Carl Rosner and A1 Moto are good examples of online shops that are simple to use and harmonized/balanced within Triumphs brand image and product range. nearly exceptional, Solus dealers stand out with a positive Triumph brand image and visitor s get a feeling that the dealer is standing behind and believing in their brand 100%.However, surprisingly many dealers have a complicated order system and their product ranges are presented in a dull way, without a professional feel. The pictures are small and especially the light coloured quotidian clothes drown into the white background. At the moment some dealers pages dont inspire to shop and their complicated order-system does not encourage online buying. Based on the research results and the feedback we got from consumers that are targeting Triumphs target group, it is exhort that dealers webpages and online services would be similar and linked together with the Triumph brand nationally.Triumphs target group and potential buyers mainly consists of men who usually prize user friendliness, and a straight forward clothing line, that can be bought with just a couple of clicks on the mouse Ideas / Amendments for functional and creative online services Dealers online services/ shop harmonized to Triumph official sites and brand image. Product info and pictures to have same the outlook as is used in the Triumph catalog and their official pages. Creating seasonal online campaigns that are targeted to inspire loyal customers and new potential bikers. Charity campains. Goes with boxes.Website would automatically suggest clothes or accessories that would go well with previously purchased items. Making online shopping easier and more fluent. Product ranges displayed with uniform background image and a picture size that allows you to properly view the chosen product. * garb pictures with real people, using professional photographer Promoting of casual wear line should be more directed towards the target customer group, men that have outgo power, but little time for shopping. Create competition design your own jacket or t-shirt. Winners design would be launched with limited number.Brand Awareness Survey We have set up a survey analyzing Triumph brand a wareness amongst Fashion students aged between 21 to 35 years old and other category was people with no age limit. At the moment, out of 38 respondents, only 14 have heard of the brand Triumph. Whereas the main competitors such as Yamaha, Ducati and BMW have 35, 32 and 30 respondents respectively. There are many factors that can be the reasons why Triumph is not as well known as the competitors. * Locations of the stores * Sponsorships * Product variety * Brand reputation * Brand marketing * Brand accessibilityAnother point that we can observes is that out of 38 respondents, only 1 respondent wrote Triumph as the brand that comes first in their mind. Whereas Harley Davidson has 15 respondents and Ducati has 8 respondents. For improvements of the brand awareness, we can study how Harley Davidson presents itself to the audience. After this observation, we would like to focus the brand emphasizing its British heritage with the Classic look. We can see that Harley Davidson and Vespa als o have the Vintage Classic look and we think if Triumph brings out the Heritage theme it can become better known as well.Also, taking considerations consumers, we see that most potential new customers are middle age people, who have interest to start new, youngish hobby or finally carry out their dreams. These people, mostly men, have also bills to spend for bike and naturally for street wise/ credible clothing. Analysis of Product offers Motorcycle range Triumphs 2011 motorcycle product contains the following ranges. Pictures of products are listed in appendix. Roadster range Triumph Roadsters range is for the street. It stresses attitude, style, performance and agility.This range has Street Triple and Speed Triple. The Street Triples specification complicates Triumphs trademark twin headlights and high level silencers, meaty dual brake discs up front and a comprehensive instrument entourage that even includes a lap timer and adjustable gear change indicator. The Speed Triples sp ecification includes four-piston Brembo brakes for eye- pop stopping power, change alloy handlebars, fully-adjustable 43mm upside down forks for maximum control and a comprehensive instrumentation that includes lap timer and programmable gear shift light. Supersports rangeTriumph Supersports range is for the race dawn to compete with the best in the supersport class. This range has Daytona 675. With the lightest and narrowest chassis in the class, the Daytona 675 delivers outstandingly agile and intuitive handling. Fully adjustable suspension front and rear, with separate adjustment for high and low speed compression damping, gives the Daytona 675 superb composure on all surfaces, while top-of-the-range monobloc radial brake calipers up front deliver eye popping stopping power. Adventure range This range is designed for people who are looking for adventure and it has Tiger 1050.The Tiger 1050 is equally at home in the urban jungle as it is prowling on the open road. The Tiger 1050 with its commanding equitation position, its muscular 1,050cc ternion engine, powerful brakes and high specification unclouded chassis making for real fun on the twisties and composure in the traffic. Tiger 1050 is a superbly competent bike and does scratch, tour and commute all. Touring range This range satisfied sport and touring at the same time and it has Sprint. (Sprint ST and Sprint GT) Equally capable of crossing continents or taking on a track day, the Sprint is one of those rare contradictions.The new Sprint ST has been given a number of improvements to ensure it remains one of the worlds favourite sports-tourers. Updates include new reflector-style triple headlight unit re-designed cockpit the same stunning 1050cc inline triple engine, but with latest spec ECU for ultra-smooth throttle response. Sportier than the GT, the Sprint ST is set to become even more attractive due to its new ultra-competitive price. The New Sprint GT is greater practicality and more emphasis on t he touring aspect of sports touring. It offers a unique proposition of performance, practicality and price.Performance from the uprated 1050cc triple with 130PS on hand. Practicality the GTs byword with 117 litres of lugguage, ABS brakes, u-lock, built in rack and grab handle, and a200 mile fuel range. Classics range This range is designed for classic motorcycle style. It has Scrambler, Bonneville, and Thruxton. Scrambler is inspired by the 60s Triumph off-road sports motorcycles that were stripped down for racing and has a unique look and feel all of its own. It has styling details including gaiters, white induce piping and high swept chromed side pipes.Bonneville is a thoroughly modern interpretation of the definitive proper motorcycle, this iconic symbol of rebellion and independence is even more accessible thanks to its low and narrow seat, clean and efficient fuel-injected engine and lightweight 17 inch alloy wheels for even sharper handling. Thruxton is named after the famo us racetrack where Triumph ruled the roost and is inspired by the Ton Up Boys of the 1960s. The Thruxton is Triumphs sportiest Modern Classic, and authentic cafe racing car delivering a unique Triumph experience. Cruisers rangeThis range presents classic cruiser looks and has America, Speedmaster, Thunderbird, and Rocket III. For the classic cruiser look, the America comes with shrouded front forks with polished lowers, chromed single headlamp and chromed engine covers, machined cast wheels, chromed detailing and twin reverse cone pipes. The Speedmaster is a tough looking, no-nonsense sports cruiser thats dripping with attitude. With blacked out engine cases, slash cut pipes and cast black wheels with polished rims, the Speedmaster embraces the attitude of the hotted up motorcycles of the60s.The Thunderbird oozes cruise from every angle with its strong, muscular lines. Powered by the all-new 1600cc T-16 parallel-twin engine, the Thunderbird delivers class leading power, torque and frugality figures, with a refinement previously unheard of in the mainstream cruiser class. Rocket III Touring is a true mile eating custom tourer diabolical with unique character and that memorable 2. 3 litre motor. The iconic engine has been retuned for effortless low down torque. Rocket III Roadster has Classic streetfighter looks and delivers the tree-pulling levels of torque. Clothing and accessoriesTriumphs 2011 spring and summer garment and accessories product contains the following ranges. Pictures of products are listed in appendix. Roadster range Performance products with attitude, developed for the street and the city. Roadster garments are targeted at the riders of Speed and Street Triple and range from subtle to heavy branded products. Added comfort and features make these products more usable for everyday or casual riding. This range has items in jackets, pants and jeans. Supersport range Performance supersport products follow the ethos of bikes like the Daytona 675 .They are technically advanced with high specification, delivering a product range that is aimed at the track and sports riding. Visually strong, these pieces are heavily branded with a bold and distinctively triumph design. This range has items in one piece suit, jacket, and jeans. Touring range Touring serial is a very functional range of products. Waterproof, windproof and breathable, this collection has been developed to allow consumers to enjoy long rides, providing the wearer with the essential protection from the elements. This range has items in jacket, pans, and jeans.Adventure range godlike by the spirit of adventure, this collection of products has a more rugged, enduro style. Packed full of features, these functional garments will deal with the requirement of both road and off-road riding. This range has items in jacket and pants. Heritage range Classic looking products make up this range, inspired by motorcycle garments of the past. This collection is designed for the exacting requirements of a modern day motorcyclist, whist also maintaining that true authentic heritage. This range only has items in jackets. Modern retro rangeWhere modern meets retro, a range of products inspired by the classic racing garments of the 60s and 70s. The use of racing stripes, graphics and colors are combined with classic style leathers and modern look technologies to deliver a performance riding product. This range has items in jackets and jeans. Legend range The Triumph legends range includes a series of products that pays homepage to the icons of music and screen that had a close relationship with Triumph. Legend collection contains two special editions which Mare- James Dean special edition Jacket and Mcqueen special edition Jacket.Cruiser range This range have taken the classic image of the cruiser and given it a Brit rocker attitude. The Cruiser range take their influence from the British Rocker culture of the 1960s and 70s and combined these looks with mode rn technology. This range has items in jackets and jeans. Triumph union range The triumph union range has a fashion influence with products that cross over between categories and can be comfortably worn on any bike or worn off-bike. These products have character and a style of their own. This range has items in jackets and blousons.Function range The function range of products comprises of waterproof oversuits and protector including protect vase, back pro-tech and pro-tech jacket. Mens casual range This range presents casual look and has items in shirt, layer tops, leggings, jackets, T-shirts, shorts, polo, hoodies, and denims. These products can go with other Triumph products. Ladies range The ladies collection offers a focused number of styles and options to appeal to both rides and pillions alike. All styles are designed independently, conceived to appeal to women.This range has items in jackets, jeans, gloves, and boots. Ladies casual wear range This range presents casual look and has items in shirts, T-shirt, vests, and jeans. Junior range The junior range is fun and colorful, and is ideal gifts for younger Triumph enthusiast. This range has items in shirts, T-shirts, bike models, model kits, and Triumph Teddy. Personal accessories range Personal accessories range has items in following categories personal luggage (helmet bags, bum bags, laptop bags, and hold all) gifts(magnets, cybertool, water bottle, and cards set) team hinckley(door mat, buff, beer mat, and bike mat) headwear and buffs (hat, buff, and neck tube) collectors scale models wallets and pens watches and wall clock belts and buckles key fobs and pin badges mugs and glassware -patches and stickers Conclusion and Recommendations Range evaluation Triumphs clothing line is strongly linked to their motorcycle collection. They offer a wide range of riding gear, of high technical quality, designed specifically for each motorcycle model.They renew their clothing line doubly a year to suit their customers changing needs throughout the year, allowing them to adjust for different weather and climates. Triumph is proud of its roots and history. This becomes illume after only a brief glance through their webpages. Their clothes are designed and manufactured with utmost respect towards its image and heritage. This way they tell customer satisfaction and a first class biker look, suitable for riding and leisure. Their vast clothing line serves both the customers and the dealers needs.An ideal riding suit or just a jacket has been designed to every motorcycle type and this helps the dealers in designing their collection and building their order. Triumph pricing range is ideal and comparing biggest competitors BMW and Ducati, we see that their products offer best value for money. If the clothing range, especially in casual wears would be bit more hop on and classical, we would even suggest higher prices for some products. Every dealer should offer best-selling products fo r all motorcycle range and also build up blameless combination for casual wears that goes together in style with modern motorcycle clothes.The climate and location are naturally also important factors, but it is more important in our view that the supply for their target group and demand of motorcycles are in balance. Collections offer great suits for driving and in that field Triumph are reaching their goals (touring, supersports, adventure). However problem is that most of these products arent something you buy every season, not even every year, so Triumph clothing should be stand out more through modern motorcycle clothes, casual wears, that goes as well as biking clothes (modern retro, legend, heritage, casual). Triumph dealers rangeBased on our store-visits, customer feedback and significant that we received from the Triumph company, it seems like Solus and multi-dealers have certain problems defining an ideal clothing range. Solus dealers normally have a large range of produ cts but the normal customer normally comes in to see motorcycles and if they buy clothes it is usually mainly for driving. The casual wear line is presented well but since the competition in this field is fierce, people tend to prefer buying clothes elsewhere. Multi-franchise dealers have other brands presented as well, so Triumph clothes are not standing out too well.However, these shops are visited by a larger number of new potential customers, so if the range matches the customers needs, this will affects sales positively. To be able to find a perfect balance for the range that is being ordered, dealers must target their potential customers and then build the perfect match of driving clothes, casual wears and personal accessories around it. The Triumph company must also be able to build a brand image that is identical with the products that are being offered. Every successful clothing brand has to focus on a certain look.Triumphs history and success in motorcycles is defined by their individual yet stylish look and this should also be the brand message going forward. Appendix http//www. triumphmotorcycles. co. uk/clothing, Triumph company materials, 1 . http//www. triumph. co. uk, http//www. a1moto. com, http//www. carlrosner. co. uk, http//www. metropolismotorcycles. com 2 . http//www. harley-davidson. com/en_US/Content/Pages/MotorClothes_Merchandise/pink-label. hypertext mark-up language 3 . http//eu. levi. com/en_GB/shop/index. html, http//www. asos. com 4 . http//www. streetshirts. co. uk
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Grandfatherââ¬â¢s Journey by Allen Say Essay
incertitude 1. Describe how the story is structured to influence your response to the textbook.Question 2. Describe one of the storys major settings. How is it constructed and what is its significance to the story and its ideas?North America is the major setting in this book. North America h darkeneds a lot of new technology and everything is new and spectacular to him, the trains, the enormous rock sculptures and an endless farming field be examples of this. There is also a inquisitive side to this plaza there be huge cities of factories and tall buildings with thick smoke coming out of each building. But above all, best place was California, where there were a strong sunlight, the Sierra Mountains and the seacoast. Along the way he had met and shook hands new people, which had different cultural backgrounds to him.This setting is constructed in a way that the more the grandfather travels the more he liked it and wanted to make the New World his home. This setting shows that the cultural barrier can be broken and people should go out and see the world and meet new people to develop more familiarity of the world they live in.Question 3. How are you positioned to respond to the major character/s of the story? What values are represented through and through them?Question 4. Describe the extent to which language and graphics are successfully used together to shape your response. prove with close reference to at lease both examples.In the Grandfathers Journey, there are a few pages where the graphics and the text connect together to give the reader a better understanding of situation.At the beginning (on page 4) the text was My grandfather was a young man when he left his home in Japan and went to see the world. On this page it shows the grandfather in Japanese clothes and the background had very dull colours because he is still in the Old World. On the next page it shows the rebirth to the New World. The background colours have changed from dull to brigh t and he had changed into European clothes. The wave that looks very unsteady shows the New World. all in all this happens when you want to see the world.On page 17, there is a picture of the grandfathers daughter holding a pram with a European doll sitting in it. The text that goes with the page was As his daughter grew, my grandfather began to think about his own childhood. He thought about his old friends. In the picture the author shows the contrast between the Asian girl and the European girl using different clothing and the cultural difference (seen through the colours of the hairs). When compared, the grandfather began to remember how his old friends in Japan were when they were little. This illustrates think about his own childhood. He thought about his old friends.Question 5. Discuss the attitudes and values of the text and your personal response to these.Question 6. Describe at least one link you can make between this book and other/other texts you have read or viewed. H ow do the texts compare in terms of the ideas presented and how do you respond to these ideas?One of the pages in this book makes us urinate that we often label Japan as the enemy in World War II, whilst they were also the victim and had also suffered a large amount of devastation. In the film Pearl Harbour, one of the scenes was Japan bombing Pearl Harbour. This only shows the negative side of Japan, where they were attackers, but it did not show them as the victims suffering from the disaster. This film is persuading the audience to hip-hop Japan for the damages of the war, where Japan had to go through the emotional breakdowns and physical injuries.Even though the book tells us not to blame Japan for the damages and the movie shows us that Japan was the enemy in World War II, there is still a link between the two texts and that is after a war majority of the participating countries will have, no matter large or small, havocs. I think, because of this, we should not blame a au thorized country for the occurrence of the war, and should not blame any country since the countries that participated are both enemies and victims of the war.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Marriage Problems Essay
Few of us do like to be told what to do. Hitting each other between the eyes with issues you know you know your supply is insecure about will not help you resolve the issue. The silence or fights that usually play along just perpetuate the cycling of pursuing behavior followed by distancing behavior. Help lead an obstinate ally to figure out some choices for himherself. Friends, lovers, and business partners learn what your vulnerabilities and insecurities are just by spending time with you. You piece of ass avoid cycling into repetitive arguments by discussing your own fears and areas of vulnerability. Leslie could tell Jim that she worries about being a complain and knows that her request is not nagging just a request for cooperation. The conversation with Jim can continue now. Leslie could set ahead ask what needs to happen first in the lead they attend to chores. Leslie has given Jim room now to make a choice. He might regularise he wants to pay bills, work out, make lov e with her, before they clean the house.You want to move toward shared decision making to move away from power struggles. adept friendship, love, and business kinships are built on mutual trust, respect, cooperation and reciprocity. If you are not cooperating with each other, each mortal must look at themselves and come up with what each willfully says, does or does not say or do that is contributing to the problem. Next, you can discuss what each of you are willing to do to exchange yourself. All relationships need elasticity to grow over time. Remember that it does take two to tango. A relationship problem is always our problem.Together you create the peacock dances and together problems can be resolved. You show you guard about having a healthy relationship when you are willing to rationally and calmly resolve conflicts. chouse when to disengage as well as engage in a conversation. When a person is downstairs the influence of substances or too angry to talk, wait for a cle ar headed time frame to talk. around behaviors are always unacceptable. Dont fight dirty. No one drives you to drink or go down another person. When behavior is extreme, you are out of touch with yourself and control with yourself. You always have the choice to be extremely aggravated and express that long before you feel like acting out your impatience by drowning your feelings or striking out. DebtIf you and your spouse vocalisely apply for a identification card or loan, twain your credit scores will be checked to approve the application. If one or both of you have bad credit, theres a chance your application wont be approved. Or, if the applications approved, the interest rate and fees might be higher than if the spouse with the higher credit score applied separately. With joint accounts and accounts on which one spouse is an authorized user, the history of the account is report on both spouses credit reports, even if only one spouse actually uses the account. On joint acco unts, both spouses are responsible for making credit card and loan payments. Furthermore, if the account becomes delinquent, the creditor or loaner will attempt to collect from both spouses. With authorized user accounts, only the primary account holder is legally responsible for paying the credit card debt.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients
social unit 2 Project Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Tracy Brown Kaplan University Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When con spatial relationring trenchant ways to cut regimen expense, each conjure should start requiring mandatory medicate scrutinying among whole its welfare recipients. Cutting welfare benefits to known drug ab hirers will allow benefits to be doled out to a greater extent effectively and efficiently to those Americans that are truly in need, diminish drug use in those leanness stricken communities that tend to rely on welfare assistance and take a chunk from the giving medications out of control spending.I think that this is an effective thesis statement because it clearly outlines my paper and it states what side of this discussion I have chosen to represent. It is state clear, concise, and to the point. Because mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients is an issuance that is not in full effect, it whitethorn be difficult to find opinions fro m reliable sources concerning such legislation. It may also be difficult to determine long term effects of such a architectural plan like cuts in spending and reductions in drug abuse. I will be questioning government websites twain nationally and locally.I would also like to contact local government representatives to perhaps get an opinion closely the idea of said legislation. In addition, because this is such a new topic, there are many newspapers to research that will have the latest on states that want to bring forth developing the idea of mandatory drug testing. It will be difficult to avoid logical fallicies on this topic. Because I am coming drop on one side of this discussion and want to persuade my audience, I will want to use comments and information from those that view it as I do.Using statistics that are deemed factual will help in viewing that these are not just biased opinions from politicians that are simply looking for another vote. If I were to begin to per suade a city council meeting or write a letter to my local government representatives about the importance of mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients, I would begin by grammatical construction Welfare is not an entitlement It was never intended to be as such.When President Roosevelt enacted the Social Security characterization in 1935, it was during the great depression, when 25% of Americans were unemployed. Since then welfare has generously extended its hand to millions of Americans (2012). When someone is benefitting from these programs, and is not deemed disabled, it should be viewed as a hand up not a hand out. It is an free all over the country that welfare is world abused by its benefactors. Cards are beingness used for ATM withdrawals, to purchase liquor, buying cigarettes, and even gambling in casinos.Food stamps are being openly traded for drugs (Camden, 2011). Not to mention the deception that is occurring about how many dependents a recipient is responsible fo r. To be subjected to a simple urine test to receive money and benefits from the U. S, government is not too much to bear. It is no different than obliging to mandatory drug testing for a job. Florida state governor Rick Scott has stated that in his state alone they will save 9 million dollars a year because of benefits being cut due to mandatory drug testing.With these kinds of cuts in spending nationwide, it is sure to reduce government spending a great deal. Not to mention the effect it will have on drug abusers. Florida state governor Rick Scott has implemented drug counseling on a volunteer basis for those benefactors that test positive (Delaney, 2011). Cuts in spending, responsible distribution of benefits and reductions in drug abuse, this sounds like a win-win scenario for us all. References antecedent Unknown, (2012), The History of Welfare, Retrieved from http//www. elfareinfo. org/history/ Delaney, A. , (2011, November 27). Rick Scott Backs Drug Tests for Welfare Benefic iaries, Public Worker, and Himself, Retrieved from http//www. huffingtonpost. com/2011/09/27drug-testing-welfare-_n_983235-. html/ Camden, J. , (2011, February 04). The Spokesman-Review, Abuse of Welfare electronic Benefits Transfer Cards Targeted, Retrieved from http//www. spokesman. com/stories/2011/feb/04/abuse-of-welfare-electronic-benefits-transfer/
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The advantages and disadvantages of using psychodynamic concepts of repression and resistance
The term psychodynamic suggests any score that emphasises the process of change or transformation and development, i. e. , the dynamics (changeability) of behaviour or the forces that drive an psyche to turn out the carriage he or she does. Dynamics are the things that drive us or a mold to behave in particular slipway. (Eyesenck & Flanagan, 2000. p 172)i. Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytical theory is probably the best-known example of the psychodynamic sit down.His turn over was that mental dis reads did not have a physical origin plainly instead arose out of unresolved, unconscious mind(p) fights, which formed fundament bothy in early childhood. All psychodynamic concepts arose from Freuds theory of soulfulnessality development in which he essentially argued that the mind is divided into three parts. First, in that location is the id, which consists of mainly unconscious sexual and aggressive, essentially selfish, instincts. The actuate force is the innate sexual drive found in every human i. e. the libido.Second, there is the ego, which is the keen-witted and conscious part of the mind. Third, there is the superego or the conscience. These three parts of the mind are frequently at conflict with one an different. Conflicts occur most often between the id and the superego, because the id fatalitys instant gratification, where as the superego takes account of object lesson standards and decorum. Since, conflicts cause apprehension, the ego defends itself against anxiety by using several defence mechanisms to prevent traumatic thoughts and feelings arrival consciousness.One of the major defence mechanisms is repression, which forces memories of conflicts and traumas out of consciousness and into the unconscious mind. Other defence mechanisms may admit resistance, dis key outment and projection. Resistance is also anformer(a) term to represent the process whereby thoughts and memories that are in the unconscious mind are prevented from reachin g the conscious mind. Also within psychoanalysis, the term is apply to refer to the way in which the psyche be analysed, offers resistance to the interpretations offered by the analyst (Cardwell,1996,2000)ii.Displacement occurs when aggressive or other intense impulses are transferred away from a threatening person to soulfulness or something non-threatening. Projection occurs when someone who possesses an undesirable characteristic or attitude, attributes it to other people. For example, someone who is very hostile may claim that other people are hostile to him or her (Eyesenck & Flanagan, 2000. p 173)iii. According to Freud, psychological disorders can arise when an individual has unresolved conflicts and traumas from childhood.Defence mechanisms, such as the before mentioned, may be used to reduce anxiety caused by such unresolved conflicts, however, all they do is hide the conflict rather than resolve it. This psychodynamic model proposed by Sigmund Freud was the first syst ematic model of mental illness/disorders that focused specifically on psychological factors as the cause of a mental disorder and on a psychological form of treatment. originally Freud, all explanations of mental illness were in terms of either biological (physical) causes or fantastic ideas such as possession by evil spirits.For his time, Freuds ideas must have been revolutionary but in this twenty-four hours and age, it is impossible to accept his concepts and theories without due criticism. Considering the concept of repression, one may find it hard to test the theory, and indeed hard to prove the validity of the concept of crush memories. However there have been attempts to conduct experiments to plant the phenomenon of repression. These typically involve creating anxiety to produce forgetting or repression.After that, the anxiety is removed to show that pent-up information is still in long-term memory (referred to as return of the repressed). To their disadvantage, such ex periments are ethically questionable-is it right to expose anyone to anxiety provoking situations or information in order to theme the concept of repression? (Eyesenck & Flanagan, 2000. p 174)iv One of the main methods used by Freud earlier during treatment in order to gain deeper insight into the affected roles subconscious was hypnosis. The very first disadvantage of this method is its unreliability.Not everyone can be hypnotised, and there is no way of determining who can or cant be. In addition, when downstairs hypnosis, a person is extremely vulnerable and susceptible to influence. Memories can thus be unintentionally implanted or suggested by the therapist by use of descriptive details or leading questions. There are essentially three times when memory can be affected when it is stored, while it is being stored and when it is retrieved, which basically covers all the time. Therefore, at any of these times something could be misunderstood, associated or implanted in our memo ries.Psychologists are not the moreover influences our memories may be affected by. Everyday memories like recollections of horror movies, comic books, nightmares, anything on TV and so forth are very capable of becoming embedded in our memory and then muddled up with other memories. Memories of these things can come out in the hypnosis therapy and if they are in line with the therapists own interpretations, he or she will think it to be true and valid information. Remembering detailed accounts of events that never took place is known as the False Memory Syndrome (FMS).Thus, not only is it up to the reliability of the technique being used to resurrect a repressed memory but it is also depends on the mind of the patient to distinguish these other influences and recall only the true event. One would think why people would want to dredge up memories if they are not real. The reasons can be plentiful, it can simply be fraud, or as the FMS suggests, since the persons mind has been all j umbled up with the therapists suggestions and other influences, he or she himself/herself believes the memory to be true.Ultimately, there is no easy answer or explanation to the theory of repression and retrieval yet. The implications for treatment under such a psychodynamic approach are that the primary goal of therapy is to enable patients to gain access to their repressed memories and conflicts, and to encourage them to face up to whatever emerges from their unconscious mind. Freud used the term insight to refer to the processes involved. He assumed that insight would permit the repressed memories to be integrated into the ego or conscious self, later which the patient would be better able to cope with life.Since, even though memories of the anxiety provoking conflict or trauma were repressed, they tended to surface in different forms of neurosis or psychological disorders. In the beginning, Freud used hypnosis as a means of accessing repressed memories (the famous case study o f Anna O) but later matte up that this was an unreliable method. The other two methods were dreams, as the royal road to the unconscious, and free association, a technique where the lymph node is encouraged to cite the first thing that comes to is or her mind. Eyesenck & Flanagan, 2000. p 174)v One of the first disadvantages of such a mode of treatment is that psychoanalysis depends heavily on the therapists interpretation of what the patient says.How, for example, does the therapist know that a boy who has a fear of clams is actually afraid of his father and not simply scared that the horse might hurt him in some way? At his defence, Freud argued that the acid test, which was the patients reaction to the therapists proposed interpretation could be used here.If the client accepts the accuracy of the interpretation, then it is probably correct. On the other hand, if the patient rejects the therapists interpretation of say a dream, that may simply be resistance by the patients con scious mind to an unacceptable but entirely accurate interpretation made by the therapist. The problem with this is that therapist seems to win both ways because he or she either uses the patients acceptance or denial of the reasonableness of an interpretation as corroborating show up that the interpretation is accurate. Freud argued that we can regard psychoanalysis as similar to solving a jigsaw puzzle. It may be hard to decide whether a given interpretation is correct, or to decide where to place a particular piece of the puzzle. However, the interpretations of dozens of a patients free associations and dreams should form a coherent picture, just as the pieces of jigsaw puzzle can only be arranged in one way. (Eyesenck & Flanagan, 2000. p 174) other disadvantage of treatment based on the psychodynamic approach, is that it is very time consuming, due to the concepts of resistance, i. e. , the patients reluctance to face his or her past. As Freud said (1917,p. 289)vii The patient attempts to escape by every possible means. First he says zip comes into his head, then that so much comes into his head that he cant grasp any of it At last he admits that he really cannot say anything, he is ashamed to So goes on, with untold variations. In all fairness, there is quite a bit of evidence to support the concepts of repression and resistance. But one seems to wonder if a person cannot recall a certain memory, was it ever really a memory? Did it ever really move on? Due to the breadth of recorded cases of repression, no one can deny its existence, all we can desist is that until psychologists can drag our unconsciousness completely into the light, the reliability of retrieval of repressed memories will be go forth in the dark.
Friday, May 17, 2019
A Belief Essay
I believe in divinity, the Father Almighty starts the storied Catholic prayer, the Apostles Creed. And this is how I will also start this paper. I am not a very religious person but I do believe in a haughty Being, in divinity fudge, in an invisible an invincible extend to that has created everything there is in on earth. This belief of tap is probably one of the most difficult things to prove since no one has ever actually seen this perfection I am pertaining to. However, a lot of wad share my belief and a establishment of this is the numerous religions and religious sects all over the world.The world kneels down and prays. Most of us pray for ourselves, our families, our relatives, our neighbors, even for people we do not know, and even for our enemies. We say our graces before and after meals we close our eyes and talk to God before we rest for the night and we blurt appear Gods name when we are caught up in extremely tough situations. Why do we do these things? Its as if prayers are our e-mails, schoolbook messages, or phone calls to the God we cannot see but can only feel.We believe that somebody out or up there actually will read through our messages and reply or mortal will answer our calls to listen to our pleas and eventually grant our wishes and fulfill our dreams. Even for not-so-religious or not-so-spiritual people, a wide Thank God or Oh my God is already an indirect or subtle acknowledgment that then there is a God. But where is God? Is he a male? Is she a female? Who knows? What I know is that when I was a kid, my Mom would always warn me to be good because someone up there in heaven is watching over my actions.So I came to believe that God lives in the heavens, jocund every time I am obedient but frowning in times I am naughty. As I grew older, I knew about the church, the sacred place for worship. It is here where people recognize and praise God. A united community gathers and celebrates Gods goodness. Prayers and songs of pr aise fill the air in glorifying Gods name. But still, no physical being comes down from heaven to join in the holy celebration. Now that I am much wiser, I am told that I can rally God in my fellowmen in my so-called brothers and sisters.God can actually be anyone from my Dad, to the cab driver, to my teacher, to a beggar, to a waiter, to whomever who does good deeds. God can be in disguise, in nameless faces, in unfamiliar places, in unexpected circumstances. Wherever happiness and goodness exist, God definitely exists. The Bible, which has existed since time immemorial, is a living proof of Gods divine existence. Just like us today, the earliest people break matte up Gods presence in their lives. However, just like us as well, they only knew God as the creator, the Supreme Being, the higher one.Nobody knew Gods ways how he/she looks, how he/she speaks, his/her mannerisms or hobbies, what have you. Except probably for films and TV shows that portray God either as an old man in a white shining robe or just plain white light, speaking in a mellow commanding voice, we know nothing of his/her true nature. What we know are the marvelous grand things God has done for us. I believe God knows what is best for each one of us thats why we call him/her the great provider who gives us only the things material or non-material, which we truly need.God is the hand that showers us with blessings. God is the light that guides every step or endeavor we take. God is the teacher who teaches us valuable lessons to learn in life. God is the kind heart that forgives all our shortcomings. God is the perfect digest of how we should all live our lives. In my life, I always adhere to To see is to believe. But in the topic of believing in God, not everything I do not see is unbelievable. I believe in God and will continue to do so. Why? Just simply call it faith.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Swot Matrix for Starbucks
SWOT matrixkey success factors for champ bucksStarbucks has a strong brand name and its known international. Starbucks was the first umber shop whereby high feel chocolate and products at accessible locationsand affordable prices, volunteerd a community to sh be in the chocolate boozing date Strengths * Brand recognition * High quality coffee bean * Business ethics * Location they are regain everywhere Weakness * Competition a lot of coffee shops are offer coffee at a lower price. * Overexposure star bucks Is obsolete according to some consumers. Too many products * non nice securities industrying Opportunity * Business leaders * New system * Expand franchise affright * box * Mc-cafe offers lattes and cafes at very cheap price with the same quality. * PLC is at declining stage. 2. Generic strategy chased at starbucks Differentiation strategy Differentiation strategy star bucks offers high quality coffee that you banking concern muster up at other coffee shops. Starb ucks spends minimal speak to on marketing although they have slap-up market theatrical role due to the product differentiation star bucks has a alone(p) line coffee shops so advertising is through a method called word of mouth.Their core competencies can be delimit as high quality coffee and products at accessible locations and affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience, and variety of choices. They also value ethics and good business practices. Starbucks provide a high quality coffee and unique experience in the convenience of a largish plenty of locations, which separates them from their competition ,the sore trice coffee line is straddling differentiation and low cost- leadership.While it will be a low cost and at ease alternative to Starbucks regular coffee, it is still unique from other products in the market. The in-store gifts and brew utensils are in the focused differentiation category as they cater to the coffee lover, and a re unique items found only in the Starbucksstores. 3. strategic direction play alongd by star bucks? Starbucks new strategy is to refocus on some of the areas that decrease risk and up front investment. Franchising, expanding products and selling at convenient stores not just coffee shops.This includes expanding foreign stores, with aid of partnerships that share risk and costs, selling whether its instant coffee and other products in retail and convenience stores, and reinvigorating the Seattles Best Brand coffee. 4. I would pursue cost differentiation since star bucks is already I would add a few new bistros or pastries or offer special deals that wouldnt harm my profit margin but apply more(prenominal) market share. Starbucks doesnt focus on marketing since the brand is already famous so by offering new flavors of coffee, pastries and beverages would attract attention.Swot Matrix for StarbucksSWOT matrixkey success factors for star bucksStarbucks has a strong brand name and it s known international. Starbucks was the first coffee shop whereby high quality coffee and products at accessible locationsand affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience Strengths * Brand recognition * High quality coffee * Business ethics * Location they are located everywhere Weakness * Competition a lot of coffee shops are offer coffee at a lower price. * Overexposure star bucks Is obsolete according to some consumers. Too many products * Not enough marketing Opportunity * Business leaders * New strategy * Expand franchise Threat * Recession * Mc-cafe offers lattes and cafes at very cheap price with the same quality. * PLC is at declining stage. 2. Generic strategy pursued at starbucks Differentiation strategy Differentiation strategy star bucks offers high quality coffee that you cant find at other coffee shops. Starbucks spends minimal cost on marketing although they have great market share due to the product differentiation star bucks has a unique line coffee shops so advertising is through a method called word of mouth.Their core competencies can be defined as high quality coffee and products at accessible locations and affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience, and variety of choices. They also value ethics and good business practices. Starbucks provide a high quality coffee and unique experience in the convenience of a large volume of locations, which separates them from their competition ,the new instant coffee line is straddling differentiation and low cost- leadership.While it will be a low cost and convenient alternative to Starbucks regular coffee, it is still unique from other products in the market. The in-store gifts and brewing utensils are in the focused differentiation category as they cater to the coffee lover, and are unique items found only in the Starbucksstores. 3. strategic direction pursued by star bucks? Starbucks new strategy is to refocus on some of the areas that decrease risk and up front investment. Franchising, expanding products and selling at convenient stores not just coffee shops.This includes expanding foreign stores, with aid of partnerships that share risk and costs, selling whether its instant coffee and other products in retail and convenience stores, and reinvigorating the Seattles Best Brand coffee. 4. I would pursue cost differentiation since star bucks is already I would add a few new bistros or pastries or offer special deals that wouldnt harm my profit margin but gain more market share. Starbucks doesnt focus on marketing since the brand is already famous so by offering new flavors of coffee, pastries and beverages would attract attention.
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